Ensuring Consent For Intimate Images
BlowBang empowers Creators from all genres to connect with their fans and monetize legal content. Users may not post or share intimate photos or videos of someone that were produced or distributed without their consent on BlowBang.
Sharing Non-Consensual Intimate Images (NCII) is against BlowBang Terms of Service. BlowBang will take action against anyone who attempts to abuse the platform in this way.
What is a Non Consensual Intimate Image?
How does BlowBang prevent the sharing of NCII on its platform?
What happens if BlowBang finds suspected NCII on its platform?
How do I report suspected NCII?
What if I previously consented to an intimate image of me appearing on BlowBang but I have changed my mind?
What else does BlowBang do to prevent the distribution of NCII?
We provide information about StopNCII.org and other support services to anyone who reports intimate image abuse to BlowBang.