Setting up your profile for success
Profile and banner images:
Let’s start at the beginning, with your profile and banner images. Along with your intro video and bio, these are the most important factors to your initial success. On your profile picture, you should want to showcase who you are/what you look like (if you are showing your face in your content) and your banner picture can be a bit more creative as you have more space to play around. Whether you want to showcase some of your work in the form of a collage or a single image, it’s up to you!
Now let’s talk sizes:
The ideal Profile picture size is: 1080 x 1080 px
The ideal banner image size is: 1192 x 335 px
Note: We do not allow nude images on your profile or banner images, if you are an adult content creator, BlowBang would recommend a lingerie or swimwear-based picture
Think of your intro video as your fans' official introduction to who you are. You want to make your intro video fun and engaging while keeping it below 30 seconds long (it needs to grab your fans attention). We recommend introducing yourself in the intro video and letting your audience know what type of content you create and what they can expect if they subscribe to your account. A good intro video is going to increase your conversion rates by up to 45%, so make it a good video! Your intro video will also pop up on the Discoverability section of BlowBang, so you can attract new subscribers as they scroll. To ensure you feature on the discoverability page, you’ll need to have your discoverability enabled on your profile, to do that you can follow the below steps:
- Step 1: Head to Edit my Page -> Conversations
- Step 2: Select Add a file (Optional)
- Step 3: Toggle Send welcome message to new subscribers on/off
At BlowBang you are free to set your own subscription price, this can be anywhere from $3,99 to $100 per month. Each month your fans will pay to view the content shared on your BlowBang account (but remember this isn’t the only source of income you can make on the platform, utilizing pay to view content is going to significantly increase your earnings!). To set your subscription price, you can follow the below steps:
- Step 1: Head to Edit my Page -> Subscription Price
- Step 2: Selection ‘Subscription’
- Step 3: Edit the ‘Price per month’ to the subscription price you’ve decided on
- Step 4: Click ‘Set price’
Just like that your subscription price is added and can easily be changed at any time! If you decide to change your subscription price you will have two options to offer to your existing subscribers:
Existing subscribers will be prompted to opt-in to your new price. Until your current subscribers opt-in to your new price they will auto-renew at your current sub price. Force current subscribers to opt-in at the new price (this will disable their current auto-renewal).Uploading Content:
Uploading content to your BlowBang profile is going to be essential to ensuring your followers convert to subscribers. The more content you have on your page, the better, we recommend you upload at least 20 pieces of content for your potential subscribers. Uploading content to your BlowBang is simple,
- Step 1: Click the media icon and the top of your page
- Step 2: Upload content from your device, add a caption, and select who can see your post (Subscribers only or Followers and subscribers).
- Step 3: Select 'Publish' and you've done it!
Max file sizes when uploading content: 1GiB for videos, 20MiB for images.
Max resolution: 4096px for images, 1440p for videos.
Anything larger will be resized to the maximum allowed.
Verifying your account/receiving a Blue Tick:
Lastly, you’ll want to verify your BlowBang account so your followers know they can trust it’s you behind the account. This step is straightforward, once your creator account is up and running, proceed to follow the below steps,
- Step 1: Promote your BlowBang on X (Twitter) Note: We recommend you include an image with a sneak peek of the content you’ll be posting, along with the link!
- Step 2: Make sure to tag @BlowBang in the post
- Step 3: Ensure your BlowBang profile follows our Terms & Conditions and our Community Guidelines